Wellsprings of Taharah

About Wellsprings of Taharah
The sefer includes:
The introduction and history of taharas hamishpachah.
The halachos, including practical tips and guidance.
The hashkafah of the halachos, including inspirational stories.
Review questions and answers on the halachic chapters to ensure that the reader has sufficiently understood the laws.
Appendices with charts and checklists included to simplify understanding.

About Wellsprings of Taharah
The sefer includes:
The introduction and history of taharas hamishpachah.
The halachos, including practical tips and guidance.
The hashkafah of the halachos, including inspirational stories.
Review questions and answers on the halachic chapters to ensure that the reader has sufficiently understood the laws.
Appendices with charts and checklists included to simplify understanding.
The halachos in this sefer are based on the p’sakim of Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, shlita, unless otherwise noted. The occasions in which the Sefardi psakim differ from the Ashkenazi psakim are detailed in Appendix E. The Sefardi psakim are based primarily on Chacham Ovadia Yosef, ztl.
From the Foreword, Rav Berkovits Shlita:
Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu, how fortunate we are to have been selected from all of humanity to be the eternal Mamleches Kohanim v’goy kadosh, a kingdom of greatness, a holy nation. The cornerstone of our kedusha is without question Taharas Hamishpacha, the purity and sanctity of what to so much of humanity is base and animalistic.
The kedusha of Taharas Hamishpacha manifests itself in the combination of the halachic context that defines behavior and ritual during the various stages of a woman’s cycle and the establishment of mature and meaningful attitudes that are the “neshama” of the behavioral code. The self control exercised by a married couple in private where no one other than themselves and their Creator will ever know is a clear testimony of their having ascended above their physicality. The attitudes reflected in the Halacha help to define the relationship as one of unconditional devotion to one another and a constant effort to understand the needs of one another.
Obviously the study of Taharas Hamishpacha begins with the attainment of a clear knowledge and understanding of the halachos, but is far from complete without the development of a deep-felt appreciation of the values expressed in those halachos.
Rabbi Yitzchak and Miriam Goldberg have successfully run numerous groups teaching both the Halacha as well as the attitudes of Taharas Hamishpacha and Sholom Bayis, and committing their classes to the printed word makes them available to a much greater audience.
This book is an important work for those who perhaps were taught before the wedding but never followed up on attaining a greater clarity once married, and no less for those who did study the halachos in depth but can do with brushing up to restore the clarity they once had. It is not uncommon for a men and women participating in a brush-up class to realize there was something they never really got right the first time.
The halachos are presented with much detail and clarity, the hashkafa inspiring yet down to earth.
Enjoy the reading and be enlightened, and may your marriages be enhanced by the wisdom of Torah.


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