About Us

Rabbi Yitzchak and Miriam Goldberg are well known educators, residing in Sanhedria, Yerushalayim. Rabbi Goldberg has been learning in kollel for close to two decades, currently learning in the Torah Ohr Beis medrash. He received smicha from Dirshu. He has been meshamesh HaRav Yitzchak Berkovits Shlit”a for more than a decade. He has also sat in numerous batei horah, most namely that of HaRav Nissim Karelitz zt”l. He is currently partaking in a program learning Choshen Mishpat under the guidance of Harav Elchanan Peretz Shlit”a, a talmid muvhak of HaRav Hagaon Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg tz”l, the previous Rosh Hayeshiva of Torah Ohr.
The Goldberg’s have been teaching chassonim and kallos for over a decade, as well as providing marriage counseling for couples and assisting couples with halachic matters.
The Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael have given the Goldbergs direct involvement in assisting them prepare this sefer, as well as being actively involved in the shiurim they impart on an ongoing basis by providing them with guidance in hashkafa and halacha matters pertaining to Taharas hamishpacha and other marriage related matters. This enables the Goldbergs to recognize and understand the many challenges facing our generation and specifically the religious community. With this direct hadracha they are best suited to address the rising challenges from a true, unique Torah perspective.

About our
Taharas Hamishpacha Series

The Importance of Participating in a Refresher/Chizuk Taharas Hamishpacha Series

These special halachos are typically learned during the chosson and kalla’s engagement period, and is done in a very theoretical manner, as it is not yet being put into practice. In addition, the average chosson and kalla have a lot on their minds, including technical matters which need tending to, alongside the regular anticipation and anxiousness that is experienced during this time.
Taking all of this into account, it is not uncommon for the chosson and kalla to misunderstand or misinterpret halachos and hashkafa being presented by their instructor.
Once a couple is married and they put this learning into practice, they realize that what they’ve learned in theory needs to be further clarified.
This is comparable to someone who learns how to swim outside of the water and then is thrown directly into the deep end with the expectation that they can swim proficiently.
There may have been topics which were never covered thoroughly during chasan and kalla classes. There is also a risk of recurring mistakes stemming from the possibility that the student may have heard the instructor with “chasan/kalla ears.” It is therefore imperative to partake in a Taharas hamishpacha chizuk/refresher series once these halachos have become an integral part of daily life.
Taharas Hamishpacha is a mitzva which has potential to bring tremendous joy and freshness into the home. Reviewing the halachos helps to maintain the excitement and connection that can be attained via this mitzvah. Partaking in a refresher series leads to a higher quality of mitzvah observance while developing our relationship with H’ as well.
Many erroneously think that inspiration drives a deeper connection and change, however, the opposite tends to be true. Klal Yisrael after having crossed Yam Suf and after having witnessed many miracles, were in awe of Hashem and His wonders. However, the maid servant remained a maid servant, and unfortunately later on klal Yisrael sinned with the Golden Calf. We saw firsthand that it takes real investment and effort to create ever-lasting change.
Our hope is that after completing this sefer the reader will view this not as an end but as a beginning. Now is the time to look around and decide which opportunity is best suited. One couple may choose to sit together and review the book. Another reader might decide that it’s worthwhile to sit with their Rav or Rebbitzen and review these laws. It’s great to review with a chavrusah. There are also many refresher courses on this topic and we encourage all our readers to partake in one of them.
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