Emunah, Bitachon and Tefillah

(12 customer reviews)

Date: Starting May 21, 2024. 9 Sessions

Tuesday nights 8:45 – 9:45 pm

Location: Yam Suf

A workshop developing and strengthening our connection with Hashem by learning and focusing on Emuna & Bitachon, Tefillah, and seasonal topics. The workshop is given over in a dynamic and interactive manner and is very practical and hands-on.

This Spring-

Start your day with a burst of inspiration and more meaningful birkos hashachar. Proceed to incorporating bitachon into everyday life thereby bringing simcha, tranquility and serenity to you and those around you.

From: 300.00 

Start your day with a burst of inspiration and more meaningful birkos hashachar.

Proceed to making bitachon an integral part of your day.


Live in Person, Recording

12 reviews for Emunah, Bitachon and Tefillah

  1. M. K.

    This class changed my day to day life. I view things in a different perspective and feel I am more patient and bsimicha. My davening has not been the same since I started this course. I feel Miriam really helped me form a deeper connection to HaShem. Highly recommended.

  2. Nechama

    Thank you Miriam for the huge gift of this series! I always came out with such clarity and calmness. The messages that Miriam imparts can be applied to any situation that one is going through. I have found the topic of Emuna and Bitachon so hard to understand and to internalize, but Miriam changed that for me. You present it in such a clear, “user-friendly”, and practical manner. You take each of our questions, and with your unbelievable understanding and intuition, give the perfect answer for the question and the one who is asking it. This series truly changed my perspective on life and the challenges that we experience!

  3. E.Y

    This series changed me so much- the chizuk and hadracha I received were beyond anything I could have imagined. My davening changed, my reaction to different situations and my approach to life is general has grown tremendously. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  4. E.A

    I wanted to express my hakaras hatov to Miriam. My perspective on Emuna and Bitachon changed through the series. Before meeting Miriam, I felt that I didn’t really have anyone to speak to when I needed direction. Thank you for being so available and giving so selflessly. My growth from this series is really tangible!

  5. Shira M.

    I feel like I have a special zchus to have been introduced to these series. It’s the fuel that gets be through the week, and keeps my priorities in shape. Miriam gives over the series in such an enjoyable light manner. I literally look forward to my weekly chizuk!

  6. Melissa Siskin

    Being a part of this series has been completely transformative. I personally do the series live on zoom and feel like I am back in Israel in the room with the other women and connecting with likeminded women who are looking to grow in their emunah. There is something so special about the chevra that has been created yet we don’t necessarily all know each other. Being able to have a shuir every week focused to working on emunah allows me to constantly be thinking about growing in this area which has made tremendous positive impact on my life. I am so grateful to Miriam for beginning these series especially offering zoom options to give women in America a taste of Eretz Yisroel we are so yearning for and the wisdom that she shares is impactful.

  7. Hannah B.

    This series is a breath of fresh air! In a very foggy and confusing world, it’s like Miriam hands you these X-ray vision glasses that encourages you see Hashem so clearly through the fogginess and confusion of our everyday lives. I find that I am recognizing the Hashgacha in my life everywhere I turn and I cannot thank Miriam enough for enabling us women to receive such a gift. I walk away from the shiur wishing that it was time for the next one already! It is beyond special and Emunah is really priceless, so I recommend anybody/everybody not to miss this opportunity to change your life!

  8. elisheva

    This is the most special series anyone can ever take. This course changed my perspective, pushed me to grow, and has given me something i look forward to week to week.

  9. Tova Yudkin

    This series is absolutely life changing!! It brings Emuna to front of your mind and makes Hashem real in your life. I wait the whole week to be able to attend this class and it gives my whole week a boost of Emuna! If you feel like you are groping to make sense of these dark times before Mashiach and feel that you can use extra chizuk (don’t we all?), then it is defiantly worthwhile to join this series. Your whole life will change and you’ll find yourself growing in ways you never imagined!

  10. Rebecca Klein

    This series is life changing! My entire home has grown from the lessons that have been imparted by Miriam. The series is hands on and practical, where women are able to come together to share and grow together. She gives practical homework (home joy) assignments in order for us to have the opportunity take the lessons we have learnt and apply them into our daily lives. I highly recommend taking this series! It has been my oxygen that takes me through my week.

  11. Yocheved Roitburt

    One of the reasons we are in this world is to work on our emunah. this is one of the biggest tests of our generation, right before Moshiach. Miriam is exceptional at giving over emunah because she is really living and breathing emunah , it is almost tangible. In these classes, you not only learn practical tools on how to strengthen your emunah, but you also gain tremendously from hearing the journeys of the other women.

  12. Shoshana Malka Lamm

    I found this workshop so hands on and relevant. When I needed surgery after completing the workshop, I saw how the ideas I learnt carried me through the experience and left me feeling calm and at peace that I was in H’s hands and everything would turn out for the best.

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