Mrs Miriam Goldberg's

Chizuk Series

Gain chizuk to be your very best self

Join Our Life Changing Elul Series
Starting Sunday Sep. 18th, 2024
Call Zahava 053-318-0362 or Yocheved 053-415-2910 or email


Develop, Connect, Recharge and Empower

Asset 1chizuk


Yourself in a real way

Asset 2chizuk


Enhance your relationships

Asset 3chizuk


Gain inspiration with
like-minded women

Asset 4chizuk


Yourself with knowledge and hashkafa

By joining Chizuk Series you are partnering with us
in Spreading Kedusha in Klal Yisrael!

All incoming funds are used for kedusha & taharah-related projects

Chizuk Series

Dynamic, interactive, and transformative series for women. Join the hundreds of women that have been inspired by Mrs. Miriam Goldberg!

About Us

Rabbi Yitzchak and Miriam Goldberg are well known educators, residing in Sanhedria, Yerushalayim. Rabbi Goldberg has been learning in kollel for close to two decades, currently learning in the Torah Ohr Beis medrash. He received smicha from Dirshu. He has been meshamesh HaRav Yitzchak Berkovits Shlit”a for more than a decade. He has also sat in numerous batei horah, most namely that of HaRav Nissim Karelitz zt”l. He is currently partaking in a program learning Choshen Mishpat under the guidance of Harav Elchanan Peretz Shlit”a, a talmid muvhak of HaRav Hagaon Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg tz”l, the previous Rosh Hayeshiva of Torah Ohr.



5 out of 5

Miriam's taharas hamishpacha course is a unique blend of hashkafa and halacha that educates, inspires, and empowers ladies at all ages and stages of life. With her unique personality and exuberant love of every Jew, Miriam touches the heart of every listener and gives of her time and unending patience. Over the weeks, Miriam's passion for the mitzvah of taharas hamishpacha and drive to please Hasham slowly seeps into the minds of the listeners, raising them and filling them with emotional strength and vibrancy. Having attended an elul series, I knew I had found the mentor I so badly needed. I signed up for the taharas hamishpacha course and found it enriched me greatly in a wide range of ways. Thank you Miriam for so selflessly giving of yourself to the klal, in your own words, "lemaan shemo beahava"

Rivki Steinhaus
August 8, 2024
5 out of 5

Absolutely outstanding course that changes your day, week, month, and life! A joy and privilege to be part of a unique growth-orientated group led by the renowned Mrs. Miriam Goldberg. be spellbound by her personal stories, uplifted by her desire for growth, and encouraged by the close knit group members. A definite go-to, take the opportunity NOW!

April 4, 2024
5 out of 5

Highly reccomend this course for every lady!! It's a must for every lady. So refreshing and Miriam gives such a clear perspective in such a passionate way. Gives you a whole new perspective.

Shani R
April 1, 2024
5 out of 5

I just completed the full 30 sessions plus the kallah teacher training! I am so sad it is over! Signing up for 30 sessions seems like a lot and overwhelming but it will very quickly become the highlight of your week. This series is for EVERYONE Even if you are not planning on becoming a kallah teacher. It will enhance your marriage and love and dedication for this special mitzvah!!

Milka Kimmel
April 1, 2024
5 out of 5

Miriam's course was much more than a taharas hamishpacha refresher course. Miriam's course encourages women to think deeply about themselves and the thoughts behind their emotions and actions. For me it was an amazing journey in growth in all areas of avodas Hashem including of course, but not limited to Shalom Bayis and Taharas Hamishpacha! Miriam's ayin tova and simchas hachayim created in this shiur an environment where each woman could feel comfortable to gain and grow in the way that was best for her!

R Pollack
March 31, 2024
5 out of 5

One often thinks they are 'good to go' in some (or many!) of the areas Miriam touched on but there is so much more to gain and grow and learn from once you open your eyes. As a high-school teacher I have shared and adapted many of Miriam's lessons and ideas- that are appropriate with my 12th graders, so her inspiration and light continues to spread all around. I am forever grateful for this course and the growth I gained. May Hashem shower her with beracha!

March 30, 2024
5 out of 5

Thank you so much! I'm really gaining more of an appreciation for the mitzva of taharas hamishpacha.

Shaindy Gorelick
March 30, 2024
4 out of 5

Thank you so much! I'm really gaining more of an appreciation for the mitzva of taharas hamishpacha.

Shaindy Gorelick
March 12, 2024
5 out of 5

Thank you so much. I really enjoy my sunday mornings!

Shaindy Gorelick
March 12, 2024
5 out of 5

Thank you Miriam - I could not express how much I gained from this series. The most critical piece was that I had someone trustworthy to turn to for couples counseling, the impact is life-changing. I hope that this will inspire more people to get couples counseling.

February 6, 2024
5 out of 5

I just wanted to thank you for such an incredible series on THM (really so much more than that!). To be able to start my week with such a positive and empowering outlook on marriage, Torah, Mitzvos, and life in general completely changed my week. The things that I gained are immeasurable and across so many areas. My general relationships, marriage, thinking skills, outlook on life, and Avodas Hashem have been enriched immeasurably and you get the credit for that. It was such a zechus to be able to get to know you a little bit and to gain chizuk from you. Thank you for everything you've invested in the series and in each person in the series - all of that effort, love and care should be a zechus for you and your family and you should be zoche to see continued bracha and revealed goodness in your life.

January 31, 2024
5 out of 5

This course was worth every penny! It has changed my mindset towards Taharas Hamishpacha and infused it with so much meaning. The classes varied in so many different areas from Halacha, shalom bayis, physical and emotional intimacy, to communication and so much more. It is all given over with so much wisdom, clarity and an excitement for this beautiful mitzva!

January 29, 2024
5 out of 5

I'm in the middle of the series at the moment and I feel like it has really changed how I relate to Taharas HaMishpacha. It has given much more meaning to the mitzvos involved and the right frame of mind as well. The classes are relaxed, enjoyable, and inspirational. There is also a lot of food for thought and ways to help each of us grow. I feel like Miriam isn't just giving over the material- she is also growing with us.

Sarah S.
November 28, 2023
5 out of 5

This is an amazing course! You will learn so much and take a way much more than you expect. It will change your outlook on life and you will be inspired. I highly recommend this class.

October 18, 2023
5 out of 5

This course has really helped me on all levels. I came for the refresher and excitement for the mitzvah and Miriam gave me so much more. From the individual guidance, group discussions, take home points to think about. I really recommend, especially coming in person. It made my week!

Rochelle D
September 28, 2023
5 out of 5

This course is a must!!!! I have no words to describe it. firstly, Miriam is the most amazing, inspiring and special person and just to be able to listen to her is unreal. It is unbelievable how much knowledge Miriam has and she gives everything over in a beautiful way, both halacha and hashkafa.

September 20, 2023
5 out of 5

the most phenomenal refresher course worth every penny. I was disappointed with my preparation before my marriage and joined this series too gain new insight on all the ideas I felt I was lacking in. I can say it was the answer to my all my reframing that I was seeking plus tons more. Miriam is a professional marriage counselor and gives you one free session with her as part of the series. just that makes it worth it as every women has things that they find hard and cannot discuss with family and friends Miriam has excellent contacts and leads for any type of issue you may be suffering from including spiritual, emotional, and physical! This course changed my life and all the people around me!! Highly recommended!

September 20, 2023
5 out of 5

I really enjoyed this course. It was well researched and given over very well -halacha and hashkafa. As a medical professional I was really impressed with the knowledge Miriam Goldberg has in womens health and natural tips to take care of common issues that can arise. This is my second time taking a Taharas Hamishpacha refresher course and I feel that it is very unique that it caters to our generations needs. I highly recommed it!

September 20, 2023
5 out of 5

Totally worth the money and time commitment (my two biggest blocks to signing up)! Miriam gives over such beautiful hashkafos in regard to Binyan HaBayis as well as the mitzvos of Taharas HaMishpacha. The halacha overviews were beneficial too. Miriam's passion and love for these mitzvos is inspiring and helped me view these mitzvos in a totally new light, infusing simcha and positivity into aspects that it was missing from previously

September 20, 2023
5 out of 5

Definitely recommended! So meaningful, practical, and enriching to all aspects of the Mitzva. The content is given over in a beautiful and comfortable way. Miriam is truly a model in the way she teaches and all that she embodies. I was able to gain clarity on many dimensions of the Mitzva and all it entails. The class is consistently a real highlight of my week!

Chana S.
September 19, 2023
5 out of 5

Amazing course! Treat yourself and come! its extremely informative and practical. Everything that is said has been researched and gone through Rabbi Berkowitz. Thank you very much! What a worthwhile and enjoyable investment

September 19, 2023
5 out of 5

Miriam is wise and incredibly knowledgeable. She is able to reach all different types of women on multiple levels, her classes are full of insight and depth and there is profundity in each one. This is not at all a dry or boring halacha class; aside from presenting information in a clear and engaging way, she weaves in topics about relationships, communication, giving, growing, personal development, etc, that any woman, at any stage of marriage, can run with and really gain from.

September 19, 2023
5 out of 5

This class changed my day to day life. I view things in a different perspective and feel I am more patient and bsimicha. My davening has not been the same since I started this course. I feel Miriam really helped me form a deeper connection to HaShem. Highly recommended.

M. K.
May 3, 2022
5 out of 5

Thank you Miriam for the huge gift of this series! I always came out with such clarity and calmness. The messages that Miriam imparts can be applied to any situation that one is going through. I have found the topic of Emuna and Bitachon so hard to understand and to internalize, but Miriam changed that for me. You present it in such a clear, "user-friendly", and practical manner. You take each of our questions, and with your unbelievable understanding and intuition, give the perfect answer for the question and the one who is asking it. This series truly changed my perspective on life and the challenges that we experience!

March 13, 2022
5 out of 5

This was a priceless experience for me! Miriam presents the hashkafos and halachos in such a positive, clear, and sensitive manner, encouraging group discussion so everyone can feel that they got maximum clarity. My attitude to this mitzva has changed to one of only excitement and positivity! The classes were the highlight of my week, and now I have so much inspiration to go back to!

March 13, 2022
5 out of 5

This series changed me so much- the chizuk and hadracha I received were beyond anything I could have imagined. My davening changed, my reaction to different situations and my approach to life is general has grown tremendously. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

January 15, 2022
5 out of 5

I wanted to express my hakaras hatov to Miriam. My perspective on Emuna and Bitachon changed through the series. Before meeting Miriam, I felt that I didn't really have anyone to speak to when I needed direction. Thank you for being so available and giving so selflessly. My growth from this series is really tangible!

January 15, 2022
5 out of 5

I have no words to express my deep appreciation for the shiurim you have given over to us. The way you blended halacha and hashkafa was absolutely great, you gave everything over in such a meaningful way. The atmosphere you created in the way you gave over the shiurim was one of excitement, pleasant and light- just what we all needed! The Chazal attach such great importance to the halachos of niddah. You were the perfect person to give over this crucial topic and you did it in the most beautiful way!

January 15, 2022
5 out of 5

זכיתי ללמוד את הקורס המיוחד והנדיר הזה, ואין לי מילים לומר למרים היקרה שד' ישלם שכרה על הקורס המדהים הזה שהיא מלמדת אני חייבת לומר שהקורס הזה משנה את כל החיים פשוטו כמשמעו, חובה בכל בית יהודי!!! מרומם ומעצים ומקרב לד' יתברך ונותן כ"כ הרבה כח השיעורים מועברים במקצועיות רבה ובדברים היוצאים מלב חם בצורה מיוחדת מאד ברגישות ובתבונה לא ידעתי שאפשר כ"כ להעמיק במצווה הזו, כמה שמחה ואושר קיבלתי בזכות השיעורים הנפלאים אני אישית ראיתי ישועה גדולה מעל הטבע בזכות הקורס הזה ממליצה בחום!!!

January 13, 2022
5 out of 5

I feel like I have a special zchus to have been introduced to these series. It’s the fuel that gets be through the week, and keeps my priorities in shape. Miriam gives over the series in such an enjoyable light manner. I literally look forward to my weekly chizuk!

Shira M.
January 4, 2022
5 out of 5

Being a part of this series has been completely transformative. I personally do the series live on zoom and feel like I am back in Israel in the room with the other women and connecting with likeminded women who are looking to grow in their emunah. There is something so special about the chevra that has been created yet we don't necessarily all know each other. Being able to have a shuir every week focused to working on emunah allows me to constantly be thinking about growing in this area which has made tremendous positive impact on my life. I am so grateful to Miriam for beginning these series especially offering zoom options to give women in America a taste of Eretz Yisroel we are so yearning for and the wisdom that she shares is impactful.

Melissa Siskin
January 4, 2022
5 out of 5

This series is a breath of fresh air! In a very foggy and confusing world, it's like Miriam hands you these X-ray vision glasses that encourages you see Hashem so clearly through the fogginess and confusion of our everyday lives. I find that I am recognizing the Hashgacha in my life everywhere I turn and I cannot thank Miriam enough for enabling us women to receive such a gift. I walk away from the shiur wishing that it was time for the next one already! It is beyond special and Emunah is really priceless, so I recommend anybody/everybody not to miss this opportunity to change your life!

Hannah B.
December 27, 2021
5 out of 5

This series is life changing! Being surrounded by women around the table who all want to grow in this mitzvah is Chizuk in itself, but on top of that it is so clear that Miriam teaches with her whole entire heart and straight from her Neshama. You can tell that what she teaches she actually practices with so much Simcha, Emes, Shleimus and love for Hashem and His Torah!

Hannah B.
December 27, 2021
5 out of 5

This is the most special series anyone can ever take. This course changed my perspective, pushed me to grow, and has given me something i look forward to week to week.

December 20, 2021
5 out of 5

Fun, informative, and life changing. Completely changed my perspective on this special mitzva. I highly recommend!

December 20, 2021
5 out of 5

Taking this series gave me chizuk in Taharas Hamishpacha and spilled over to other areas as well. The stories and Hashkafa inspired me and the Halachos are practical and clear. I look forward to this class all week and definitely recommend it to every married woman.

B. Katz
December 20, 2021
5 out of 5

I was hesitant to take a course on this private matter with a group of other women, but this was just the right class for me, and I'm so glad I did it! Miriam's refreshing personality- caring, deep, and down-to-earth, as well- flavors each lesson with amazing energy and positivity. The halachos are taught clearly and in much detail, and Miriam encouragingly addresses any questions and comments. I highly recommend for anyone who wants to review the halachos or even if you simply want to bring a freshness into this special mitzva.

December 20, 2021
5 out of 5

הקורס הוא מדהים ומשנה חיים! מרים מעבירה את הקורס בצורה כל כך ברורה ומסודרת, ותמיד יש לי כתובת למי לפנות על כל שאלה וספק. ההשקפה והאהבה למצוות מונחלת לך דרך קורס זה , מומלץ בחום לכל בת ישראל

December 19, 2021
5 out of 5

this Taharas Hamishpacha course is truly one of a kind! Just seeing Miriam gave me Chizuk for the entire week!! Treat yourself to this real treat!!

December 18, 2021
5 out of 5

הייתי בקרוס של טהרת המשפחה! זו חוויה מדהימה ונצרכת לכל אישה נשואה! ממליצה בחום! מרים היא אישה מדהימה, מלמדת בצורה חווייתית ברורה לכל אחת. לא משנה המגזר שלך. האווירה מתאימה לכל אחת שמקיימת את המצווה הטהורה הזאת!

חני כהן
December 16, 2021
5 out of 5

Halachos are given over in a very clear way, accompanied with powerful, sourced Hashkafa & personal stories. Highly & warmly recommend!

December 16, 2021
5 out of 5

I'm almost finished this series, it's the highlight of my week which I look forward to. I really saw a positive change because of it, and also the Shalom Bayis series which I also took. I'm planning on taking the deeper dive next. I recommend it to everyone!

Mindy F.
December 16, 2021
5 out of 5

This series is absolutely life changing!! It brings Emuna to front of your mind and makes Hashem real in your life. I wait the whole week to be able to attend this class and it gives my whole week a boost of Emuna! If you feel like you are groping to make sense of these dark times before Mashiach and feel that you can use extra chizuk (don't we all?), then it is defiantly worthwhile to join this series. Your whole life will change and you'll find yourself growing in ways you never imagined!

Tova Yudkin
December 16, 2021
5 out of 5

This course was so clear, practical and beautiful! The best part is Miriam's enthusiasm for these mitzvos - I came away feeling so positive, inspired and excited about them, too.

Chava T
December 16, 2021
5 out of 5

Going through all we know or thought we know, these series really puts you back on track and makes you feel renewed, fresh and excited to really enjoy keeping taharas hamishpacha. As a group we bonded and simple had a wonderful weekly time together. Thank you Miriam for giving us so much!

Freidy Hershler
December 15, 2021
5 out of 5

This series is life changing! My entire home has grown from the lessons that have been imparted by Miriam. The series is hands on and practical, where women are able to come together to share and grow together. She gives practical homework (home joy) assignments in order for us to have the opportunity take the lessons we have learnt and apply them into our daily lives. I highly recommend taking this series! It has been my oxygen that takes me through my week.

Rebecca Klein
December 15, 2021
5 out of 5

Absolutely amazing besides changing my prospective on this topic it gave me the chizuk and inspiration I needed to carry me through the week! A must for every married woman.

December 15, 2021
5 out of 5

One of the reasons we are in this world is to work on our emunah. this is one of the biggest tests of our generation, right before Moshiach. Miriam is exceptional at giving over emunah because she is really living and breathing emunah , it is almost tangible. In these classes, you not only learn practical tools on how to strengthen your emunah, but you also gain tremendously from hearing the journeys of the other women.

Yocheved Roitburt
December 15, 2021
5 out of 5

I was hesitant to register for this series, and I waited until the second opportunity to sign up. I had taken an intensive teacher training course to teach kallos and I was pretty sure I learnt all there was to know. Boy was I surprised. There was so much new contect, hashkafa and even halachos that I learnt at this series for the first time. I think it's a must for every married lady to sign up!

Shoshana Malka Lamm
December 15, 2021
5 out of 5

I found this workshop so hands on and relevant. When I needed surgery after completing the workshop, I saw how the ideas I learnt carried me through the experience and left me feeling calm and at peace that I was in H's hands and everything would turn out for the best.

Shoshana Malka Lamm
December 15, 2021

All series are subsidized and maser money may be used.

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